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May 2017

A new Amiga...?!

This is breaking news:
With the Vampire accelerator boards out and in mass production, and AROS gaining momentum on m68k, it has been announced that the Apollo/Vampire team will open-source their S-AGA enhanced Amiga-compatible chipset!

This means that other companies can build Vampire/S-AGA compatible hardware.

AROS is already open-source, and running on the Vampire boards. It still needs optimization for the S-AGA chipset.

Yes, it looks like it's finally happening. A new 68k-Amiga.

Signs of life, or something

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 10 May 2017

Sounds like silence

The silence on the blog should not be taken as sign of abandonment. Work has been simmering slowly the last few months, however my actual paid work, and other stuff have taken most of my time.

Amiga: Shadow Of The Beast IV Fan-Art Intro

I do not understand how i could have not heard about this when it came out back in 2013, but yes this is actually the first time i got to see the whole intro, and by the look of things it seems i am not the only one. Artist VaanDark put this amazing video up in 2013, in both english and polish languages, the music and graphics hold high standard too and quite believable to the SOTB universe. I...


"I Created Disco" by Calvin Harris - made on Amiga!

Did you know multiple-gold-and-platinum-record-selling artist Calvin Harris not only created Disco, but he created it on an Amiga computer using OctaMED?

The album, released in 2007, was a major success, spawning two top-10 singles in the UK, and was certified gold in the UK in 2008. It has an undeniable Paula-feel to it, but the production quality is flawless, modern, and... groovy!

Show your appreciation and buy the album!

Happy 25th anniversary, APC&TCP!

German Amiga software/magazine/merchandise publisher & dealer "APC & TCP" celebrates it's 25th anniversary in May 2017. APC & TCP started out as a fusion of two german computer clubs / user groups, and went on to become a successful and trustworthy publisher and dealer of Amiga products.

Happy birthday, APC & TCP! Live long, and prosper!

Head over to one of their websites, and show them your appreciation:
