Error message

Image resize threshold of 10 remote images has been reached. Please use fewer remote images.

PUAE .. in 16bit only ..

Debugging PUAE really sucked, as everything seemed to be working perfect, just the window stayed black..

But one simple trick made it working: switching my windows resolution to 16 bit, which forced my x11 server on windows to 16bit, which then caused AROS/hosted to 16 bit .. which made PUAE/AROS display the above window!


The showstopper seems to be gfxvidinfo.pixbytes, which is 2 for 16 bit and 4 for 32 bit..
but for AROS hosted on X11 I get 24 bit, which results in gfxvidinfo.pixbytes of 3(!).

Have a look at the UAE code (all UAEs!):

static void pfield_do_fill_line2 (int start, int stop, bool blank)
  switch (gfxvidinfo.pixbytes) {
  case 2: fill_line_16 (xlinebuffer, start, stop, blank); break;
  case 4: fill_line_32 (xlinebuffer, start, stop, blank); break;

So you notice, what happens? 

If pixbytes is 3, *nothing* happens. No error, no warning, nada. 

And this is, why debugging sucked.

So at least now I know, what causes the problem .. the solution is still a bit away.