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Viva Amiga: Project Update on the 9th of December 2014

Zach Weddington filming Petro and Patric Kloter (photo taken from

Zach Weddington filming Petro and Patric Kloter for the documentary (photo taken from

Dear readers,

A long time has passed since the Viva Amiga documentary started out on Kickstarter, but finally it looks like the wait will be over in the near future. Please have a read below:

 hi all :)

my name is Paul Kitching and I’ve been creating some of the 3D for the Viva film, I am also helping update the various related groups and pages.

we are pleased to announce the film is on schedule to be complete this year, and we are hopeful to find a distributor early in 2015.

please keep checking back here, as I will be providing more updates in the following days. thank you for your patience, we at Viva Amiga appreciate it!



For new readers, here is a teaser on what you can expect from this documentary about the Commodore Amiga computer..

Looks nice doesn’t it? :) Now.. hopefully it won’t be too long before we can watch it!

Have a good night and thanks for reading!