Articles from JAmiga

Jamiga net fishing

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 16 January 2013

I've had some more progress with the networking. Instead of boring you with text about it, I thought I'd show you a clip of the progress and give an insight in how a day coding JAmiga might look.


Well, its almost like that.

Status report

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 13 December 2012

With the bounty in place, my aim was to update the blog more often -- preferably when I had some sort of update. However, my time has been lacking the last few weeks, and I haven't made as much progress as I wanted. But the bounty has surely made me more motivated -- your donations are much appreciated. In order to get some well needed progress, I've earmarked two "mellandagar" (i.e. the days between christmas and new year) to fully focus on Jamiga. I'm hoping nothing will interfere with these plans.

Milestone 1 possible applications

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 10 November 2012

I thought I'd collect a small collection of tools that will run on Jamiga2 when milestone 1 is done (more info on what milestone 1 is will follow). These will consist of either currently available console applications, or existing Java open-source frameworks packaged by me (or someone else) using minimal coding.

JamVM running, albeit with a limp

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 4 October 2012

I've been battling with pthreads and signals. I couldn't seem to get Amiga processes and signaling system to function correctly using a simple pthread mapping. I should've figured this, since there is no simple pluginable replacement. There is the AmigaOS 4 pthread implementation, but it doesn't seem to take signals into consideration.

JamVM in the making

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 28 August 2012

I have actually received a few donations! I'd like to start by saying thank you, you know who you are!

After a much needed vacation on the French Riviera, I still have a few days off work, and I can put a wee bit more effort into JAmiga/JamVM.

Byte off more than one can buffer

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 6 July 2012

This is more of a mental note to self. But it gives a small insight to what I'm battling with.

I've just traced in which way VMNetChannel allocates its ByteBuffer (ByteBuffers are used for pretty much anything handling data, not only network stuff, so its a pretty crucial thing to have).
Starting in VMNetChannel, we find a ByteBuffer.allocate(int capacity). It goes something like this:

Back to net stuff

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 4 July 2012

After my latest musings with JNI and JVM interfaces, I am finally back at implementing the network support. I have implemented it pretty like described in previous entry and also made the necessary classpath changes. Furthermore, the classpath implementation, java-net library, now fully depends on the various JVM_-functions exported by the main JAmiga engine, i.e. JVM_Socket, JVM_Bind and so on.

JNI and JVM interface

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 29 May 2012

Currently I am working on implementing the JVM interface from OpenJDK. This work is done in parallell with GNU Classpath. I.e. I will try to use OpenJDK's JVM interface in JAmiga's GNU Classpath implementation. Basically I have refactored the classpath specific code from the JAmiga binary into its own library, gnuclasspath.library (an upcoming library will of course be openjdk.library). This will then in turn get access to the JAmiga VM's exported JVM interface, in the same way OpenJDK would do it.
