Articles from o1i's blog

Getting close..

Filesystems in uae are very dependent on interprocess-communication. While I really thought, I got this covered and right, somehow all those semaphores always got jammed somehow, resulting in a hang, as soon as the first AmigaOS filesystem packet reached the emulation code. AROS semaphores are just different than Windows Events, which have quite some more possibilities. So I had a look at fs-uae (isn't open source nice?) and found out, that obviously they had to struggle, too, as they provide glib, pthreads and sdl semaphore based uae implementations.

Small steps..

Currently I don't have much time to work on WinUAE, but I tried to get the virtual filesystems working:

More GUI details

Not that anybody has ever used that function, but I like it. And the GUI should really be the same, compared to WinUAE:

and on AROS:


So one thing is for sure, if I ever release a working WinUAE port for AROS, it will have a GUI ;).

In the last post, the GUI contained just some useless gadgets, without content and actions.

Current state:

GUI ..?

First of all, I was not able to get the JIT running, so I lost motivation and started something else.

I always wondered, how the WinUAE gui was built and had a look, how a Windows gui is calculated. Well, every single "object" has fixed coordinates and sizes..!


As long as you just want to emulate a basic a500 without a JIT, building uae is quite straight forward.

But for 32-bit, JIT and most other nice features you need to adapt the uae memory model to the host abilities. Enabling JIT still causes green boot screens, but at least ZIII support is coming closer:
