Getting close..

Filesystems in uae are very dependent on interprocess-communication. While I really thought, I got this covered and right, somehow all those semaphores always got jammed somehow, resulting in a hang, as soon as the first AmigaOS filesystem packet reached the emulation code. AROS semaphores are just different than Windows Events, which have quite some more possibilities. So I had a look at fs-uae (isn't open source nice?) and found out, that obviously they had to struggle, too, as they provide glib, pthreads and sdl semaphore based uae implementations.

Small steps..

Currently I don't have much time to work on WinUAE, but I tried to get the virtual filesystems working:

Game Concept - BoTrannis

Here is a concept for a game thats completely drawn with coloured pencils. 

 It's a simple game. You fly a little ship that shoots butterflies, collect the Jems, exit and advance to the next level. (The black lines are only for showing butterfly paths)
