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April 2019

Ballistic Beer - Amiga social meetup

I'm taking the time to socialise with other Amigans, not something I actually have done recently or in the past, certainly not locally.  For the event I decided to create a quick Amigan style colour cycle animation.  Using Brilliance II on the Vanilla A1200.  For more info please visit my Patreon site below (no paywall for this one).  I have decided that all posts from now on should be open at some point but for people who support me get a few days early preview insight.

The Ninja Warriors Are Back – Once Again

The best thing about today’s consoles is that we get a lot of new games for them, well, quite a lot of them are actually remakes and whatnot from the old times and maybe best of all is that they even do the lesser known/abandoned games too. One of the least expected revivals happened a […]


APRIL - Update

Hi Everyone,

APRIL update!
Just got back from family holiday in Sri Lanka (thankfully we are all safe from the recent bombing)

Quick update, this is what I'm working on right now:

- New Amiga Game (untitled), similar to Galaga (game released before 2020)
- AmigaKit graphic requests (PCMCIA)
- Iridium Development
- New AmigaX (need name?) Hardware/Software (Classic)
- Rygar help (possibly new levels, at the moment asking my Patrons if they would like me to spend some times focusing on this)

A Look At The Boxed Edition Of Trap Runner

Trap Runner was one of last year’s must-haves if you are into Amiga games and while the game is actually free as a download title you can support the developer by getting this new retail version. You can read more about the actual game and where to download it in my earlier write up here. […]


The Gorluth Games So Far – Zelda On The Amiga?

I blogged twice about Tales Of Gorluth back in 2014 and I promised to do another article about it too and needless to say that I did not forget it but I just never got around to playing the game enough to really write something informative and decent about it. Amiworx is the developer of […]


GODS Remastered – Into The Wonderful?

Gods Remastered was released late last year with nearly no coverage or hype and the reason why I didn’t mention it anywhere either was simple enough, it was only released for Steam and Xbox, you know, the two formats I care the least (Ok, Atari too) about.   The PlayStation 4 & Switch version came out […]
