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December 2016

Happy New Year from the land of the long white cloud

As we are about to celebrate the start of a new year I thought I would quickly reflect on some of my experiences over the past 12 months. In many respects 2016 has been an excellent year for the Amiga community with the one exception being the sad passing of Dave Needle, one of the key members of the original Amiga development team, who died in March. Dave is joined by a whole host of international celebrities who unfortunately also passed away this year. This included Pat Clark who was my first real boss in my first real job.

Testing the GUI

and enabling some hardware ..

Not that those are working (haven't tried), but nice that they show up at least.

A Xmas Wish.

Which of the following would be the most precious Christmas gift for you? Money? Clothes? A new car? As far as I am concerned, the most desidered resource would be, with absolutely no noubt … time! I’m out of time and, unlike Marty McFly, I do not own a DeLorean. I need time to read, I need time to play and I need time to experiment! I need time to get acquainted with my PlayStation VR...


Bug fixed (hopefully) - part 2

The problem with bugfixes, that try to fix randomly appearing bugs, is, that you can never be sure to have it really fixed. So one day after the last post the bug appeared again, just under a little bit different circumstances.

So back to bug-hunting again, but I was sure now, that the problem is in the Zune Listclass, not in my code. So after some time I discovered, that the Listclass stores the sizes of the columns of each line in an array, which gets allocated at object creation time.
