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November 2022

AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup – November 2022

AmigaOS 4 News – November 2022 Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog, and welcome to the 11th edition of the AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup! As we are approaching December, we can look back on an active November with many releases and updates. On the hardware front, ACube Systems are now in the process of delivering boards to […]

AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup – November 2022

AmigaOS 4 News – November 2022 Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog, and welcome to the 11th edition of the AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup! As we are approaching December, we can look back on an active November with many releases and updates. On the hardware front, ACube Systems are now in the process of delivering boards to […]

AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup – November 2022

AmigaOS 4 News – November 2022 Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog, and welcome to the 11th edition of the AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup! As we are approaching December, we can look back on an active November with many releases and updates. On the hardware front, ACube Systems are now in the process of delivering boards to […]

Agilent Logic Analyzer cable teardown photos

So for today ladies and gentlemen, I present a teardown of an HP/Agilent logic analyzer cable. I think this is part number 16715-61601. This cable is used to connect one of a series of 40-pin compatible modules (many of the 167xx series, but not all) from the 60-pin connector on the LA side, to the 40-pin connectors that supports a variety pod adapters. The most popular, at least in my world, of the 40-pin pod adapters is the flying lead one, the venerable Agilent 01650-61608 pod adapters.

A day at Amiga37

I’m not a frequent Amiga party-goer. I had my fair share when I was younger, but I no longer see much point in going to far-away places only to find, typically, a dozen tables with old machines running old games. So the Amiga37 party announcement in April left me somewhat indifferent, all the more so when I realized that the venue was located over a thousand kilometres from my hometown.

AADevLog #5 - Will it become... a game?!

Creating your first action game from scratch can be quite a challenge, and cause severe frustration. But at some point you begin to see some light at the end of the tunnel - and that's where the real fun part begins.

My experiments in creating something that might become... a game?! ...have reached a stage where (except for sound) pretty much everything is in place: timing, user input, movement, graphics, limits, ...and it seems to work! Stably!

To achieve this within a somewhat tolerable time frame (= this lifetime), some fundamental decisions had to be made: 

Two Blogs Becomes One

Hi everyone, Today I’d like to inform you that I’ve decided to merge my two blogs into one. This means that Gaming on AmigaOS 4 will become part of Old School Game Blog. I have transferred the content so that you can find all blog posts from Gaming on AmigaOS 4 on this site. The […]