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August 2019

The Games We Never Talk About: Wendetta 2175

Wendetta 2175 always comes up as a wildcard when I show my game collection to Amiga friends and it somewhat still baffles me that so few people actually managed to secure themselves a copy of the game. No, this ain’t one of those rare unknown games that are crap and never should have seen a […]


Expansion Systems DataFlyer Plus 2.1

Way back in about 1992, I finally had enough money (ok, well, enough credit) to finally expand my Commodore Amiga 500 to how I wanted it. I previously had an A501 memory expansion module and an external floppy drive that my parents had bought me for Christmas the year or two before. A major upgrade was a Microbotics VXL*30 accelerator card which included a 68030 at 25mhz, and whopping 2MB RAM which was just amazing for the time. I may make a post in the future about the specifics of that card.

A Cryptic screenshot of an upcoming Amiga 3.x update?

While digging deep on a German forum that was discussing the Amiga OS 3.1.4.x release, there was a thread called “OS 3.2 Preview”. Attached was this image (Click to see a larger version):

People that look closely can see some hints of what is to come (not easy but there were several small things added that people found).

Exploring Coffin OS (Vampire) with WinUAE – pt 1

I’ve been interested in the custom Amiga OS bundle/distro for Vampire users called Coffin OS for a while now. There haven’t been many reviews of it for non-vampire users and I thought I’d give it a go using WinUAE. This will be the first of a 2 part review, with initial setup and initial configuration. Part 2 will be more about the bundled software.
