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EZHomeX10 Amiga software released

Jim Hines, author of EZHome X10 for Amiga, has released it and is no longer actively supporting it.  For those that don’t know, X10 is a communication protocol for home automation that has been around for a couple of decades.  They communicate through the powerlines in a house or building.  Many devices have been built to use this protocol.  Long before ZigBee and ZWave wireless home automation protocols were invented, x10 was THE way to control lights, thermostats, alarms, sprinklers, etc in your home.  Since the 90’s we’ve seen many PC and Mac based x10 software packages. Well, in the late 90’s, one was made for Amiga called EZHomeX10.

You can read an in-depth analysis of the many pieces, including EZHome, EZCron (cron-jobs, scheduled tasks), EZCID (caller ID) and control of infrared remotes and integration with the GVP PhonePAK card if you have it. And it is AREXX scriptable.  Very cool stuff!

Read the released with download links here:

software link

And an article by Jim Hines here:

EZHomeX10 – Amiga