Australian Graphic Atlas on A3000 and Onkyo miniature system
One interesting software release I never had was the Australian Graphic Atlas software for Amiga. It is interesting to me since it was written in Australia, about Australia, for the Amiga. Perhaps people overseas have never seen this software before.

I set to work installing the Amiga Vision software on my Amiga 3000, which is a super kickstart v1.4 model running AmigaOS 1.3 and AmigaOS 3.1.4 dual boot, selectable on power on. There is a surprising number of disks in the package.
This title is one that definitely would have benefited from a release on CDTV or CD32, as they would have been able to fit a lot more content on a CD.
Most of this information about Australia included in this software you could just look up on Wikipedia nowadays, but back in 1992 encyclopedias were the norm and no internet for the general public yet.
For those not familiar with Australia's major cities and towns, the image above should help you out! I live in Adelaide, which is in South Australia.
I think whoever did the rail network was mis-informed though - the line from Adelaide to Sydney goes via Broken Hill not direct, and the line to Alice Springs goes via Tarcoola, even in 1992. The line to Alice Springs shown in the map was the original narrow gauge railway closed in the early 1980's and rails pulled up shortly after. The South Australia freight lines to Whyalla and Port Lincoln are not shown either. Yes, I am a train fan, so I know these things!
You can also overlay all these bits of information to get a prettier view - domestic airline routes at that time are shown too:
As a small deviation, for those who are curious about the retro miniature stereo system in the photo above, while I was in Japan recently, I found a cool gatcha machine which contained Onkyo stereo components for 500 Yen. The detail on it is incredible so I just had to have it.
However this Onkyo stereo gatcha machine I found in Japan was very rare - I only found it in one place despite looking in multiple gatcha places all over various cities in Japan. It was deep underground in the heart of Tokyo station in Tokyo:
The fact it costs 500 Yen is quite high for a gatcha machine, so my expectations were high. I had to buy quite a few as it is lucky dip which components you get in each capsule.
Once I removed the miniature components from the capsules, I could then set about constructing them:
Same with the tape deck component, which was a bit fiddly to get the cassettes into it, but they do indeed fit fine - the amplifier component is underneath:
There was also a separate MicroHifi system gatcha in the set which I also managed to get - it includes a cd you can put in the cd player tray, which opens and closes:
I think while this is pretty, I am not sure how useful it is given you can't explore the details of the city layouts - this is where a CD format would have been better I think.
There is also historical information included about the prime ministers in Australia (up until 1992 anyway):

You can also see the prime ministers in a timeline view which is pretty cool:
You can also see the Parliament house layout, and you can click on different houses to see the layout, etc, if that kind of thing floats your boat!
There is quite a bit of information here, and I suppose if I was at school doing a project about prime ministers or learning Australian geography this would be a useful resource.