Articles from Amiga Alive

RedPill Amiga game creator

RedPill is a new game creator and engine for the Amiga, written in BlitzBasic (AmiBlitz2). It's currently at version 0.5.0, and features smooth scrolling, AGA support, physics (bouncing, friction, ...), collision detection, and many more details.

Here's a demo video showing part of the creation of a platform-type game:

Rick Dangerous Enhanced - RTG!

Classic Amiga game "Rick Dangerous" gets an enhanced remake. Probably the most important enhancement: retargetable graphics.
That means you can choose a screenmode suitable for your modern monitor, and it also means that you can run "Rick Dangerous" via the Vampire accelerator's HDMI output!
There are more enhancements, and it's still under development, so watch the news about when it's out.

Accelerators galore

In recent times, a lot of new hardware developments for retro computers are popping up. Among these are a remarkable number of different accelerators for the Amiga 500, 600, and 1200 - here's an overview of what's currently available and/or in development.

Please note that information provided here may not be 100% complete. Read about the boards' details on the websites provided, or get in contact with the developers, if in doubt.

Have fun choosing your next-gen Amiga accelerator!

Amitopia gaming articles

Amitopia has published some up-to-date articles about Amiga gaming.

This one is for Amiga newbies, providing information about hardware requirements, different Amiga chipsets, and the right mindset to get going with vintage Amiga games:

And here's another one giving an overview of 2016's Amiga game releases - proving that the Amiga game development scene is... alive!

Vampire accelerators - alive!

If you haven't seen it yet, you should definitely watch this highly interesting video of Igor "Majsta" Majstorovic talking about and demonstrating the brand new Vampire 500 V2 accelerator board for the Amiga 500. In the video, there is a huge load of detailed information about the board itself, and an equally huge load of information about the development process. The presentation is dense, and at no point boring. Switch on YouTube's subtitles for an english translation.
