Articles from Amiga Alive

Amitopia gaming articles

Amitopia has published some up-to-date articles about Amiga gaming.

This one is for Amiga newbies, providing information about hardware requirements, different Amiga chipsets, and the right mindset to get going with vintage Amiga games:

And here's another one giving an overview of 2016's Amiga game releases - proving that the Amiga game development scene is... alive!

Vampire accelerators - alive!

If you haven't seen it yet, you should definitely watch this highly interesting video of Igor "Majsta" Majstorovic talking about and demonstrating the brand new Vampire 500 V2 accelerator board for the Amiga 500. In the video, there is a huge load of detailed information about the board itself, and an equally huge load of information about the development process. The presentation is dense, and at no point boring. Switch on YouTube's subtitles for an english translation.

The Commodore Story - Changing the world 8-bits at a time

This nostalgic film & book project about Commodore - and thus the Amiga- looks like it's already a huge success, and there's still 20 days to go!

The Kickstarter campaign had a goal of 17500 pounds - but has easily reached and exceeded that amount, currently at 28721 pounds, repeatedly adding new features available to supporters, like an extra documentary BluRay, additional book pages, merchandise, an additional free movie download, and more.

Now that's an impressive success story. :-)

Super Stardust for C64?

Halfway off-topic, but nontheless interesting for Amiga gaming enthusiasts: A demo/preview of Super Stardust, the high-polished Asteroids clone for AGA Amiga, has been released - for the C64!

If you read the comments,though, it looks at this will remain a demo and has been dropped by the author. Still an interesting idea, and a jaw dropping technical demonstration.
