Text rendering is now functional from REBOL but not all the features are quite there yet. Richard Smolak (aka Cyphre) provided a much needed patch to enable the use FreeType instead of the proprietary Windows font system. Another big thanks goes out to Michael Trebilcock who provided me with the latest FreeType port.


Text rendering is now functional from REBOL but not all the features are quite there yet. Richard Smolak (aka Cyphre) provided a much needed patch to enable the use FreeType instead of the proprietary Windows font system. Another big thanks goes out to Michael Trebilcock who provided me with the latest FreeType port.

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Back to the classic

As my kids are now in an age (5 years), in which they start liking to play computer games, I decided to dig out my old a600. I bought that machine years ago, when I wanted to add a hard drive etc., but never had time for that.

I also got some discs and some joysticks (competition pro of course) with that machine. And they really enjoyed some of the games. They even think, that this "Amiga" is better than the Wii a friend of them has ;). Well, I think not everybody might agree with that.
