A600: ClassicWB improvements
Free time on weekends to tinker my lovely Amigas is just priceless :)
Free time on weekends to tinker my lovely Amigas is just priceless :)
Hey peepz.
HD-Zone has completed it’s move to the new location, but may be up and down over the next several days! Thanks for your patience!
Listening to music while I chat, or making custom Kickstarts is so enjoyable, and I run it on daily basis without a single crash.
Latest updates were:
I forgotten that I had to put the NMI reset button since I've included the HRTmon module inside the custom ROM that I'm kicking via ACATune utility.
That was one of the easiest mods since it just requires just a push switch wired to a female header.
First of all, I had to do the boring stuff of cutting the case above the PCMCIA port just to install the perfect CF2IDE adapter by kipper2k which I had for a really long time :)
Some days ago, I saw with surprise Ratte's post over A.org about a new Beta firmware from Jens for Indivision ECS and his new version of SuperPlus driver that didn't have the alert box!
I immediately downloaded the appropriate files and after flashing my Indivision ECS with the new version 1.10 and copying the SuperPlus driver over my Devs:Monitors/ drawer it was time to test teh beast :)
Now I had the opportunity :D
So, I got some nice cable and soldered it underneath the mobo to the RCA connectors