ZorroII video card – DIY journey

Okay, so one of the things I always thought was necessary when getting a new Amiga, was an RTG graphics card. It just seems essential unless your Amiga is only to be used for ancient games or demos.

I’ve noticed over the past few years that even the cheapest, lowest level RTG card carries a premium price online. I’m not the only one and here is one of the DIY graphics card I’ve seen.

How to Write an Autobiographical Essay

There are lots of choices for girls recovery and uninspired boys such as drug rehabs summer camps youth camps, military schools, Religious schools, wilderness camps and beneficial treatment centers. Wilderness treatment centers emphasize on behavioral change programs cognitive therapies and character development in out of control youths and basically present outdoor plans.

Boys keep swinging

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 17 April 2016

When running the Swing applicaiton Jaguar, the AmigaGuide reader, I got exceptions due to some missing font stuff.

left-justified DAC problems continue

Here you see the analog sound waveform coming out of the DAC at the top in yellow.

I think I’m getting closer……I switched from the I2S DAC to a left-justified DAC just because the LJ one is a little simpler to design around….the MSB for the DATA is lined up with the LRCLK transition……

The digital channels below are the input to the DAC:

D3 is the serial data

D2 is SCLK


D0 is the MCLK
