2012 on the X1000 - A Look Back

Given that it is almost the end of the year, I thought it would be good to look back over the year 2012 and significant releases for AmigaOne X1000 and it operating system AmigaOS4 during that time.

I do know (and acknowledge) that there has been plenty of activity around MorphOS, AROS and Classic AmigaOS3.x platforms too in 2012 (I run all three of these platforms as well), but these are not the focus of this AmigaOne X1000 blog as it runs AmigaOS4. It would be interesting to compare MorphOS 3.1 and AmigaOS 4.1.6 performance on the same X1000 hardware, but that's another story!

Status report

  • By: JAmiga
  • Posted on: 13 December 2012

With the bounty in place, my aim was to update the blog more often -- preferably when I had some sort of update. However, my time has been lacking the last few weeks, and I haven't made as much progress as I wanted. But the bounty has surely made me more motivated -- your donations are much appreciated. In order to get some well needed progress, I've earmarked two "mellandagar" (i.e. the days between christmas and new year) to fully focus on Jamiga. I'm hoping nothing will interfere with these plans.

Multi treading in Excalibur

So what was done, the old event loop looked like this, the problem whit this code was that, the program did not wait for signals, it was busy looping due the clock that needed to be redrawn every 1secund, but I was not able to slow it down because that, will cause the events to be not read at correct time, there was a small delay of 0.1 sec in the loop.

Mini-Game Review - GEMZ on X1000

Today I am looking at a new game called GEMZ for the X1000 under AmigaOS4. The game is written by Fabio Falcucci and Pascal Papara. It is also available on other platforms like AROS, MorphOS, Windows and Mac. It was written using the Hollywood development package.
